A greener future together with Binaria

Last Saturday, June 29th, the Foundation joined with Binaria and Produbanco to carry out a great reforestation day in the Guangüiltagua Metropolitan Park in Quito. 


The special participation of its employees and their valuable support made the day very productive, we joined forces to make a difference and plant a greener future.


Joining Forces for the Environment

The best way to celebrate nature is by planting trees; it is one of the most valuable ways to give back to the earth a little of everything it gives us.


The day was not only a success in terms of numbers, but also in terms of hearts! From early on, children, young people and entire families joined the initiative, raising awareness of the importance of preserving our home. 


The planting of 100 native trees, such as yalomán, alder, podocarpus, guarango, wax laurel and capulí, was one more step in the conservation of the environment.


The Challenge of Climate Change

Climate change is a reality that affects us all, without distinction. That is why events like these are essential to raise awareness and promote action. 


Planting trees not only contributes to combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, but also shows us that by joining together we can leave a greener world for future generations.


Together, we are opening doors to a better and more sustainable tomorrow for all. Are you ready to join us in the next adventure? Join us and be part of the change!



"Every tree you plant makes a difference", Jane Goodall.     


Hacienda Los Mortiños

GOAL : 30.000 $

RAISED : 0 $


Rio Bigal

GOAL : 3000 $

RAISED : 0 $



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Planted Trees